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PAWS is committed to eliminating the problem at the root. Neutering (‘kapon’) is the most effective solution.

Be part of the solution. Participate in our kapon initiatives.

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Our Most Recent Campaign

The Better Chicken Option

The Better Chicken Option (or TBCO) aims to adopt higher animal welfare standards in chicken farming. We urge producers to improve the way they raise meat chickens, often 168赛车官网开奖历史查询-168极速赛车开奖官网开奖结果

PAWS proudly launches its latest adoption campaign featuring PAWS Ambassador Alden Richards with shelter dog Robert.

Robert was saved from death row at a city pound when he, his mom and siblings were fostered by a volunteer prior to being admitted to the PAWS Shelter. Unfortunately, despite being a perfectly friendly and healthy dog, Robert has remained unadopted.

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Rabies Bill Passed

After months of lobbying by DA, BAI, NMIS, vet groups and animal welfare NGOs, the Rabies Bill (or “an Act Providing for the Control and

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